Sunday, December 12, 2010

The financial stress of the first month

I'm a procrastinator. I always have been and I hope to not always be. My husband is one as well, and it's bitten us in the butt several times. I didn't put in our 30 days notice to Lincoln until 15 days before Bobby deployed. In my head I was thinking that giving the 30 days notice was finally admitting that he was leaving... and I wasn't ready for that. I was in denial until I slept in my new bed in Arizona for the first time. Denial is not a good way to handle things, but it's just another one of my ways I dealt with the pain of losing my other half. 

Anyways, back to my financial woes. Because I waited too long to give our 30 days notice, we now had to pay for the full 30 days. Even though I was planning on being out of the house by November 30th we still had to pay rent through January. Basically what that means is that we have no money. At least until the beginning of January when we get a check for the last 15 days in December. Yeah, I know, confusing. What else is very stressful is that Bobby loses his BAS (Basic Allowance for Subsistence) on this upcoming paycheck. I wasn't planning on telling how broke exactly we are right now but to get the full effect of how stressed I am I'm going to do it anyways. Here's the deal. We have -130 dollars in our bank account, a car payment coming up of around 300 dollars and a Dish Network bill of 40 dollars. His paycheck amount? Roughly $650. That leaves me with about 180 dollars for gas, food, formula, diapers, etc. until the next pay period. Talk about stressed. I'm even more sad that I can't buy presents for my family, or enjoy myself like I had planned during my time in Redding. The only thing that is keeping me from pulling my hair out is knowing that back-pay from Lincoln will come sometime in early January and we will be pocketing our full BAH starting January 1st. Then I can start paying off bills. Hooray! I know this post was pretty blah but it is my "journal" after all, I can't make every entry as good as the first. ;) 

Yesterday's deployment song was "Coming Home" by New Found Glory. You can listen to it here.

Today's deployment song is "Never Gonna Be Alone" by Nickelback. You can listen to it here.

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