Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Brylie and the bird

Brylie was perfect on our trip yesterday. We woke up at 8:30am and had to be at the airport at 9:30am. When I woke up and realized I only had 30 minutes to get ready, I started rushing around my mother-in-laws trying to get myself decent looking. 

It all went smoothly, and we arrived at the airport in plenty of time. I used the Southwest ticket counter outside to check-in at. After I got my ticket, we went inside and walked down 2  hallways to get to our security check point. By the way, Brylie was in the Baby Bjorn the whole time. At the security check point, the woman who checked my ID and ticket told me I had to take Brylie out and run the carrier through the x-ray. She then asked me if I needed any help. I just told her I had to figure out how to get Brylie out of the carrier. I have to take the carrier off over my head, which is a little hard to do with a baby in your arms. Unfortunately, they're not allowed to touch any of the babies so thankfully an incredibly generous man behind me offered to hold her while I took the carrier off. He smiled at her and said,"I don't have any kids." I think he may want some now ;) Seriously, how can you resist Baby B? 

Once through security we had to walk over to a separate area to have the bottles examined. They held a strip over the bottle to see if any vapors were rising off the water. I was surprised to hear the man say, "Alright, good to go. We figure if one bottle is good the rest are too." Alright, whatever you say. It was smooth sailing from there. 

We boarded with the family boarding section and B was a little fussy when we first sat down because she was ready for a bottle. So I made her 4 ounces, which she sucked right down and immediately passed out. About 5 minutes later I fell asleep too. The next thing I know, I'm being tapped on the shoulder to put my seat back in the up-right position. Which now reminds me of a Weird Al song... thanks babe :) 

Furthermore, Brylie slept pretty much all the way in the car on our final stretch to Redding. So now here we are! All settled and watching Ellen. My sister is coming over at 2 to show off her new baby boy Dexter. So excited :)

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