Monday, December 20, 2010

Day by day

Nothing too exciting to report. It’s been almost 6 days since I’ve heard from my hubby. I just try not to think about it. I try not to think about how long he’s been gone, or how long we have left, and I try to stay as busy as I possibly can. I can't even allow myself to sit and relax for one day. I tried, and I made it until around 3 when I said, "Ok, I have to go do something.

My best friend Kate came to visit me from Thursday to Sunday and that definitely helped take my mind off the deployment and the lack of emails from Bobby. Brylie and I got a few early Christmas presents. Brylie got a couple new outfits (which are absolutely adorable) and I got what else, but MAC makeup. Thanks Kate! Love! 

Last night, we all went over to my Grandparents house and played Skip-Bo and ate pizza, little weenies, homemade ice cream, cookies, pie, cheese, crackers, salsa, guacamole, what else am I missing here? Martinelli's, soda, coffee, etc. It was a blast! My Aunt Amy, Uncle Jon and two cousins Brooklyn and Travis were over as well. Having children around just makes everything 10x more fun! 

Tonight I am enjoying watching cartoons with Brylie. We just finished Alvin and the Chipmunks and now I'm going to start on the classic Christmas movies. Now to decide on which one. Well, B is waking up from her little nap. Happy Monday :) Tomorrow it will have been 3 whole weeks since Bobby left. One more and I can finally shout, "ONE MONTH DOWN!"

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