Friday, January 14, 2011

"I was with my husband"

I've been in a funk. I hate when this happens. I feel like I have no motivation to do anything, especially write a blog. I haven't been posting songs of the day, I haven't been writing, I haven't been getting out like I should and it's time to change that. Starting right now. 

Today I had all four of my wisdom teeth pulled. It was a very... interesting experience for me.

We were sitting there, holding hands, looking into each others eyes. Just us. Laughing, talking, joking, just hanging out and enjoying each others company. Bobby's face was as sweet as it was the first day I laid eyes on him. The sun was shining from behind him through a window, making him glow, like my angel. We were alone in a room I had never seen before, but it was very modern yet elegant. Clean, organized, refreshing and comforting all at the same time. I would say we were in a foreign country, possibly Japan. This continued on for hours it seemed. It was the happiest I had been in over a month. My heart was at peace, simply... happy. I was in a movie. I had always voiced myself quite clearly in my teen years that one day my life would be a movie. Everyone told me it wouldn't happen. "Don't set your standards so high, it will hurt worse in the end." Did I listen? Of course not. And you know what? My life has always been a movie. I just wanted to star in the romance flick for once. My own personal Noah and Allie story. I had starred in every other category there was except romance. But when I met Bobby, that all changed. And sitting here with my soul mate in this sun-kissed room just confirmed the fact that I had it all. I looked into those big brown eyes and was just about to say- 

"Hello Elyssa, we're all done. You did great."

Are you kidding me? It was a dream?

I immediately burst into tears. The looks on the faces of the people around me were very confused. "I was with my husband," I said. They all knew he was deployed, and the "awes" echoed around the room. I'm sure now that half of them probably thought it was sweet, and the other half thought I was loopy from the anesthesia. Later in the day I got a phone call from my husband, he told me that while I was in surgery he had a dream that he was standing in the operating room. He was my angel. After hearing this, I came to the realization that the dream I had while I was "under" was not a sad dream at all, but a glimpse into the future. I feel a calm around me now as I write this. I can still feel him with me now, my angel. My Bobby. I love you. We will survive this deployment, and we will be stronger than ever.

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful. I loved it! May this deployment fly by for you both.
