Thursday, January 27, 2011

A little of this, a little of that.

Well I haven't had too much to report to the blog front lately, so I'm just going to have a little ramble session. As most of you know, I am planning on flying out to see Bobby the next time he is in port, and I was going to do that by means of a Space A(vailable) flight. If you don't know what that is, I can blog about it in more detail at a different time. But in short, you hitch a ride on a flight going out from base. It's first come, first serve, and goes by rank. So there is a possibility you can get bumped off. You have to be incredibly flexible. I decided me being with my husband was not a flexible option, it was a "I must see him" kind of thing, so I am going to buy a ticket as soon as I know when and where. It's a little up in the air as of right now, which really gets me down. I like having things to look forward to, definite things. 

Something I do have to look forward to though is Brylie and I's mini vacation to Coronado Island in a week. We have a whirlwind of events going on over the course of two days. Brylie has her 4 month wellness... shots... boo, and we're also going to an FRG (Family Readiness Group) Mardi Gras night/meeting on 32nd Street and we are going to stop by the Command to get a letter that says Brylie and I have permission to fly Space A (if we ever need or wanted to). I wish we could stay longer, I'm looking forward to taking B to the beach and walking around the Island. Everyone who has ever been to Coronado knows Orange Ave. is a great strip to walk and shop. Panera has always been my restaurant of choice, give me a Cheddar Broccoli Bowl and I'm in heaven. Not to mention the luxury of no tax when you shop at the NEX. Hmm... I'm starting to think one night is not going to be enough. 

Some of Brylie's recent accomplishments include rolling over, laughing, following with her eyes, reaching and grabbing for things she sees, holding her bottle and getting cuter every day. What a big, smart, beautiful 4 month old I have! Her eyes are bluer than ever, hair is still brown. Although, we have stopped using head bands for the time being because she is losing hair where the bands are. Oops! So now I style her hair and use clips. She wears size 6 month clothing and size 2 diapers. Her favorite toys are her steering wheel that sings the ABC's and lights up, and her telephone rattle. She has just about outgrown her car seat so on Friday we are going to buy her a new one. They grow up so fast, don't they? 

Well, I think I have talked your ear of enough for today. I hope everyone has a great day or night, wherever you are! 

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